Who defines FUN for you?

Purvanshi Mehta
2 min readJan 10, 2018


Exasperated by the overrated idea of ‘having FUN’ and ‘chilling out’ I tried to think how social norms define what kind of activities are FUN.

Google defines fun as light-hearten pleasure and the most common definition I came across was going out with friends, drinking, partying or travelling. While some said its being happy and taking a break (Being happy just in a break doesn't sound so good to me).

Lets have some shots to forget our suffering (for some hours and then feel miserable about it for two days)

Does it ever come to your mind that you are actually doing what is considered as fun and trying to have some fun in it. The activities society considers cool and respectful, influence majority of the people and drives them to do the same.

Travel and update social media ignoring how much broke I am

Just imagine what the world could have been if donating on new year or reading a new book would have been the cool task.

The revolution by redefining the cool of the society makes sense to me. I can only imagine friends and family grouping up on birthdays and deciding the funding of an underprivileged child’s education or maybe just discussing on how and in what direction the world is moving on.

Redefining fun

Can we think once the options of enjoyment that we have. Or maybe have a deeper look into what we do and why we do so. Maybe we all can find better alternatives like meditating as the new cool thing to do.

